Thursday, February 26, 2009


I hated posting something new and my summer pics going away, but they are still there for viewing in the archives.

Jillian Michaels said on her Podcast, a calorie is a calorie is a is so true.

The following report is available on today)

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center put four popular diets -- high carb, high fat, low-fat and high protein -- to the test to see which of the regimens resulted in more weight-loss success.
After two years of monitoring the participants, "all the diets were winners," said study co-author Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at the Harvard School of Public Health. "All produced weight loss and improvements in lipids, reduction in insulin.
"The key really is that it's calories. It's not the content of fat or carbohydrates, it's just calories," said Sacks. The findings are published in the latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.
For the study, 811 overweight adults in Boston, Massachusetts, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, were assigned to one of four diets.
The Diets Studied
Diet 1: 20% fat;15% protein; 65% carbs
Diet 2: 20% fat; 25% protein;55% carbs
Diet 3: 40% fat; 15% protein;45% carbs
Diet 4: 40% fat; 25% protein;35% carbs
A quarter went on a carbohydrate-heavy diet, some on high-fat, others on low-fat and the remaining on high-protein diet. The four diets were not based on popular diets, Sacks said.
Regardless of diet, most participants had dramatic weight loss after six months, losing an average of 13 pounds.
According to Sacks' research, many of the 800-plus participants regained weight after a year, but about 80 percent of them lost at least eight pounds after two years. And 15 percent of the participants lost at least 10 percent of their body weight.
The study, funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, showed little difference in users' satiety, hunger or satisfaction with their diets.
Participants could attend individual sessions where dieticians educated them and group sessions where they discussed their experiences with one another.
Those who had better attendance in the sessions had stronger weight-loss results. "These findings together point to behavioral factors rather than macronutrient metabolism as the main influences on weight loss," according to the study. Macronutrients are the three main nutrients the body uses in relatively large amounts: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
"No one of those diets are necessarily better than any other diet," Sacks said.
In an accompanying editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, Martijin B. Katan wrote the researchers' hypothesis is "plausible," but said the "differences in macronutrient intake were too small.
"There was an underlying similarity between the four diets.On average, the overweight participants had a 750-calorie reduction per day. An average-sized male who consumed 2,800 calories a day was prescribed just over 2,000 calories and a woman who ate 2000 calories a day was prescribed 1,250 calories.
All diets were compatible with American Heart Association guidelines, Sack said. The study did not give the participants food. For the first 10 days, participants received menus, then were assigned to create their own using the healthy food options.
Depending on their prescribed diet, participants ate a wide range of carbohydrates, fat and protein, derived from healthy foods, such as olive oil, pasta and nut butter.
From these results, Sacks recommends going with "the diet you feel most comfortable that is healthy, that appeals to you in terms of what foods are in it, that isn't a drastic crash diet. Whatever allows you to keep the calories down and not feel really deprived.
"Calorie restriction can be done without feeling deprived, said Dr. Luigi Fontana, an associate professor of medicine at the Washington University who studies the effects of calorie restriction on longevity. But he warns against just halving a person's current diet.
"A lot of people think of calorie restriction like eating half a hamburger, half a pack of French fries -- that you can obtain by reducing in half your portions," Fontana said. "That's calorie restriction with malnutrition.
"Dr. Melina Jampolis, the diet and fitness expert for CNNhealth warned against drastic measures like completely focusing on one macronutrient. "People want to be extreme," she said. "You say cut back on sugar, they cut it completely. The take-home would be that there is no markedly superior diet. If there was, people wouldn't stick with it anyway.
"Cindy Moore, the director of nutrition therapy at Cleveland Clinic and a registered dietician agreed.
"People gravitate to the latest fads or trends, because they may have known someone who was successful in losing weight. That friend may have been in that early grace period of losing weight. The other thing is people think they need that magic bullet.
"But a significant change in eating habits -- like cutting out an entire nutrient group like carbohydrates, proteins or fats, often can't be sustained.
Weight loss tends to be dramatic during the first few months. Brenda Driver, of Springfield, Missouri, was not involved in the study but says she lost 10 pounds in 10 days on the Atkins diet by eschewing all carbohydrates.
The 26-year-old and her fiance said they were "not looking at a crash diet, but want to jump start weight loss." The former vegetarians began eating meat again because of the high protein demands of the diet.
Driver said she's aware the Atkins diet is not an ideal long-term plan. Six years ago, she tried the diet for seven months and lost 45 pounds. She finally quit the diet because of her chocolate cravings.
This month, Driver and her fiance decided to give the Atkins another try. "I want to rebel against the whole, 'you're-engaged-now-you-have-to-lose-weight,' " she said. But it would be nice to look slimmer in those wedding photos, she said.
"I'm approaching it as a temporary thing. Vegetarianism is where I want to be the rest of my life.
"Moore said the basics of losing weight boil down to this: Limit the calories consumed so a person is taking in less than the body needs or increase activity to burn more energy.
The problem, she said is that, "People get discouraged if weight loss is really, really slow."

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Brian is dreaming of summer too.

He won that tackle box at the fishing rodeo...and money $$$$ !

Dreaming of Summer

rainbow from my yard

the best part of summer, having friends over to hang on the patio

bird watching with a glass of wine (my glass of catawba)


My garden critters I made

phlox in full bloom

My porch bar

My outside sink, turned planter...early spring

Street view of my yard.

I got this old chicken feeder from a farmer throwing it out, due to works great as a planter! It looks awesome in full bloom.

Alex in front of one of our rose bushes

There is a cute little sink that came with the property that is attached to the wall right outside the house, I guess for handwashing, used to be a farm....It leaks so we turned it off and I plant flowers in it.

Our garden. We have two acres...

My house

Baby ducks

Hubby using my truck to till the land lol... someone has to be the redneck of the neighborhood

My Morning glories in their glory

My hibscus

Hubby and one of my best friend's kids in the hot tub...scuba diving lol.

Our free range ducks

This is a sure sign of summer..the kids bikes on the patio!

My Hostas...I went to a landscape auction and bought a gazillion plant pallets lol...

The Clematis and the phlox trying to bloom.

One of our outbuildings, its an old farm, so we have a bunch, and an outhouse too. This one we use as our gym

The summer kitchen is on the right. My hostas and my lillies are full.

More Clematis, some Lily of the Vally and some Pachysandra.

There is more to see, but I don't have anymore time today!

I can't wait for summer!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Frugal tips

I use paper towels in my bathroom for hand drying. I know it sounds crazy, but I have guests over and don't want to share my hand towel with anyone. That is one place I cannot be frugal.
I save a lot on paper towels because I have those Sham wow, and they work great and I also have cleaning towels from sams in a big bar rag pack.

I have always made my babies food. I just took what we ate, and ground it up in the food processor for my babies. Yes, occasionally I bought some for on the go food, but there are so many other things you can feed your babies, they don't need those unhealthy jarred baby foods.
I just read somewhere, instead of buying windex, use windshield washer fluid. That is a great idea...if you use windex. Personally, I use Shaklee Basic H2 with a bit of essential oil for smell. I know, smell has no clean, and I agree. I like to add smell I add clove oil to my kitchen cleaner, as it adds a natural anti bacterial to it. The Shaklee basic H2 can be bought on ebay pretty cheap. I am a member of Shaklee so I get mine there. A bottle lasts more than a year in an average household..and its about 10 dollars, it turns into an all purpose cleaner, window cleaner, degreaser, and people even use it to clean their veggies.

We do not go to the hairdresser. I went to a hairdresser one time since 1995 and she did my hair exactly like I do why pay her? I get my hair color at CVS and dye it myself. I cut my hair, and help hubby get the back of his..he does the boys cutting and I dye my older teenage boys hair for him. Its 6.00 for dye and the hair scissors are the only price we paid for hair cuts.

We save money buying pizza by making it at home. Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day is a great book with doughs you can make without having to knead. Check my other blog entries for links to watch the authors in action making it on you tube. Super fast and its always ready. Yes, we buy pizzeria pizza on occasion, but we love the Artisan dough pizza because we make personal pizza's and everyone gets what they want. Besides, the pizzerias charge you a fortune for a few scraps of toppings you end up getting.

Learn to sew...even a little bit. Its not hard to make curtains! I made curtains for all 19 of my windows at my house, and I am so happy I did. The curtains at the store are super expensive and the pickins are slim on styles. I got to chose from 1000s of bolts of fabric and made them in about an hour per room (3 windows).

If you get a plastic grocery bag, reuse it before you get rid of it. Use it as a trashcan liner or save them and when someoen comes over for veggies from your garden, send them home with it.

I grind my own meats instead of buying good ground beef..if its ever good. I also ground turkey and chicken to make burgers. It just tastes so much better.
Something I recently read about greeting the front off and use it as a postcard...9.5 times out of 10,nothing is written on the back of the front cover of the cards..and sending a post card is cheaper than sending a full card in an envelope. Go figure!
Pack your lunch, for goodness sakes! If you can get a hot lunch for less than 2.00, then by all means, go for it..but you can pack a good healthy lunch for a dollar or two.

Make your own fabric softener sheets. Sure its not totally homemade..but if you take one part fabric softener, and four parts water and put it in a spray bottle. Then take a washrag and spritz it with the fabric softener spray and toss it in the dryer. Wala! One bottle of fabric softener will last you a year or more!